Toolbar. What is it for? For grouping often-used UI functions together, in an easily accessible place. Hmh, ok. Kind of like keyboard shortcuts for occasional users.
Now, what should it contain, in Straw's case? The current meager selection of buttons (preferences, poll) dates back to the time when there were pretty much just those two functions in the main window. Poll arguably belongs there. On the other hand, with background polling, a feature which has been there from day one and which I suspect is more used than manual polling by people who don't habitually break their aggregator and restart it thrice a minute, its usefulness is limited. Preferences most certainly is not an often used feature.
So what others? Um, the most often used feature I use is navigation between items and feeds. Usually by repeatedly hitting space, reading all the unread articles. But that's hardly a feature which warrants a toolbar button — if you don't know the keyboard shortcut, you can just navigate by mouse, in the normal GUIy point'n'grunt way.
Catchup? Maybe. Poll selected? Umm... no, I don't think so? Quit? No way. So, what else is left? The two new UI gadgets I added in 0.9 do need their buttons, in fact three of them, but those buttons are located elsewhere in the window, in places I felt were somewhat logical.
That pretty much exhausts the current functions. The usual suspects from document processing applications — new, open, save — don't apply here. We don't do documents or files, not in a way the user can see (which is why I'm not too keen on the File menu either, but sometimes it's better to be consistent with other applications than trying to be all bold and inventive.) Browserish back, forward, reload, stop don't really work for us either, even if they are a slightly better fit. Well, I suppose there could be use for "Stop" functionality. Search is one thing that will appear in the application and which could live there, but I'm not sure when will it happen.
So should I just junk the toolbar? The window looks a bit naked without it, doesn't it? Leave it as it is? I'm not too keen on that, either.
Oh well.